BEB! GO!GO! ブログからの記事
I recently read an article on a blog I check sometimes by a nice Japanese artist called Beb (who I found through a Japanese learning podcast). I thought it was a really touching post so I got permission to try and translate it here. The origional posting is here: BEB! GO!GO! Hope you enjoy!
*small note, I don't think 笑 is as juvanile as 'lol', but its the easiest way to get the same point across. 渓谷へ・・・ To the valley... インドアな人間ではない。。。がしかし・・・ I'm not an indoor person... althought... バリバリアウトドア派という訳ではない。。(笑) That doesn't mean I do the typical outdoor things.. (lol)

人混みでバーベーキューなんてしない・・・ I don't do stuff like crowded BBQs... 人であふれ返る海辺でビーチボールなんかもゴメンだ。。。 Sorry, but I don't go play beechball at overcrowded beeches either... でもサバイバルは大好きなのよ。(笑) But, I love survival things! (lol) 何が出て来るか分からない・・・人が居ない。。 You don't know if something will come out at you... there are no people... 究極のアウトドアな事をするのはとても楽しいから・・・ Because its very fun to do the extreme outdoor stuff... 先日、毎年恒例のデイキャンプをしに実家近くの渓谷へ出かけたわ。。 The other day, I went to the valley near my parents home for my yearly daycamp.. 人はもちろん居ない・・・ヒグラシの鳴き声と谷を流れるせせらぎ・・・ Of course, there wern't any people... the sound of animals daily lives and the flowing of the small stream down the vally... 山の中へ入ると里の気温よりも4度は違うんじゃないかと思うくらい涼しい。。 I went inside the mountain, I think it was about 4C cooler than my hometown.. 湿った苔と深い幹の香りが混ざりあって何とも言えない風が漂っているね・・・・ The smell of damnp moss and thick tree trunks drifted around in the wind, which couldn't quite speak....

仲良しのお友達をさそってこの日は山へ入ったんだけど I invited my close friends, this day we're going into the mountain. But 子供達はカニをとったりチョウチョを追いかけたり穴を掘ったり・・・ The children were picking up crabs, chasing choucho (birdies?) and digging holes etc... 忙しくてご飯も全然食べないよ。。(笑) So busy that they won't eat everything.. (lol) 「こっち向いて! 光りがキレイだから写真を撮るよ~~!」 "Come over here! The light is pretty so I'm going to take a photo!" それでシャッターを切ったのが上の写真。。 And with thet press of the shutter, the above picture came out.. まるで子供達の前に天使が降りてきたみたいな写真がとれたね。。 The picture we took really looks like angels came down in front of the children.. 「見て見て!! すごい色してるよ~~。。包まれてるよ!!」 "look! look!! It's making an amazing colour! Its enveloping you!!" 私が興奮して写真を見せると、みんなもそれを見て驚いてた。。 When I excitedly showed everyone the picture, they were also amazed.. それくらい一瞬のタイミングでキレイな光を手に入れた。。 By timing to just that moment, I obtained the beautiful light.. 源水を求めてもっと山奥に入れば、川幅も段々狭まって We went further into the mountain to find the source of the water, the width of the river gradually narrowed 最後にはチョロチョロ湧き出る小さな水たまりに辿り着く。。 in the end it trickled into a small pool.. 冷たくてサラサラした湧き水を皆で順番に飲んで顔を洗って・・・(笑) Everyone took their turn to wash theif face and drink some of the cold spring water... (lol) 都会では絶対に経験できない事ばかりだね・・・ It was all things you definately couldn't experience in the city... でも一番大切なことをしている気がするな。。。 But I feel the most important thing was... 身体で憶えるんだよ。 頭では忘れてしまっても・・・・ It can be remembered with the body. Even if you forget it with your head.... いつか大人になって何かを思い出す時に Someday you'll become an adult, when you remember something この子達はまたここを訪れてくれるかな? will these children be able to visit this place again? それを守るのは私達大人の役目なんだから。。。 Because it's us adults duty to protect that...