Japanese learning material

If any of the posts I make are useful to people studying Japanese, I'd be honoured. General material I thought was interesting for my Japanese study or stuff I just wrote in Japanese. 本ブログの投稿が日本語の学習者にとって役に立てたらいいななんて思っています。色んなくだらない事を書き込むつもりですw。 もはや日本語学習者向けなブログではなくなっていますが・・・

Friday, June 09, 2006


Well, a nice person on IRC linked me to the aozora book collection which contains various Japanese books that are out of copyright.

I managed to find a bit of a kids story and slowly read through it, its called 'The wolf and the 7 goat children'.

If you want to see it, then check out this link: www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/...